
2024 Aug 061002Did Amazon deceive us about Just Walk Out technology?
2024 May 03998Timer & the Time
2022 Dec 30997List of my favorite role-playing game rule systems
2022 May 31994Cyberpunk & Hacking Movies
2022 May 14993Review of Sweet Sound of Death
2022 May 12991The Democrat party hopes to use the terrible Supreme Court (draft) decision, & they will fail
2022 Apr 16989Cthulhu-like Sanity Rules for Shoreline GURPS Collective
2022 Apr 23988List of We-Are-In-A-Simulation Stories
2022 Feb 02981API doesn't mean what you think it means
2022 Jan 01959Insanity Tables for Cthulhu over GURPS
2022 Jan 01958Pen & Paper RPG index
2021 Dec 12937I realize that A.G.I. is hard
2021 Dec 09934Is encryption useless without authentication?
2021 Nov 21932Maybe we shouldn't have called it AI
2014 Jul 01910My GnuPG public key
2021 Sep 03907When to use the Tor browser (and when not to use it)
2003 May 05890Converting XML to Lisp via Perl
1993 Dec 26889XMAS 1993
2005 Jul 12888Notes about Xenosaga
2005 Jul 03887Notes about the USA's War on Terror
2003 Jan 23886Review of Wild Arms 3
2003 May 11885What Happened to
2003 Apr 30884Why You Should Use Garbage Collection in Your Program
2006 Sep 13831Programming utilities for Microsoft Windows's event log
2004 Feb 11781Experiment in Web Article Style
1999 Oct 17892Gene's comment about Star Trek Technology
2004 Aug 03776Vigenere Cipher in Lisp
2003 Oct 05766Notes about VBScript
2013 Jan 14763Is Iran the perpetrator of DDoS attacks on US banks?
2003 Jan 11678Ancient Undelete Programs
2005 Mar 24677Terminal Velocity in a Vacuum
2013 Feb 17673Has the American empire already ended?
2004 Feb 01668tail-f.exe: Simple tail for Microsloth Windows
2003 Oct 25665How Expensive is TCP's Keep-Alive Feature?
2011 Nov 28664Comparing Some IPC Methods on Unix
2011 Nov 28660Test Suite for Sun/ONC RPC
2004 Mar 13658The Truth about Type Safety in Programming Languages
2004 Apr 06657Tales from the Programming Trenches
2013 Jun 21623The corporate surveillance machine in action
2011 Nov 28620Review of Clearwire
2011 Nov 28619StrSubst functions
2002 Apr 28611Simple Speed Test Between a Bunch of Languages
2011 Nov 28605Review of Siren
2004 Mar 12533Review of Lifeline
2002 Jul 13532Review of Rez
1899 Dec 31496pathnames-0.pdf
2024 Aug 29458Miles Per Gallon
1994 Jul 24457Guide to Monterey for SCUBA Divers version 2
2005 Nov 22324Lisp Idioms
2004 Jul 15323Generating HTML with Lisp & Templates
2006 Jan 09181C as a Portable Intermediate Language
2011 Nov 2899My entry for the ICFP 2001 programming contest
2012 Dec 2997How to reduce the rate of gun violence in the USA
2011 Nov 2892Gopher Space
2011 Nov 2885Open letters to governmental personell
2011 Nov 2884Gene's OpenGL experiments (GOGL)
2020 May 0383Thoughts about The Last Broadcast movie
2011 Nov 2882The Proper Use of Garbage Collection in C++
2011 Nov 2881Fun with Post Script
2011 Nov 2880Advanced Use of Lisp's FORMAT Function
1995 Dec 1872Ecstasy
2013 Jul 2870Review of SANDY HOOK - The Documentary
2011 Nov 2868A Case When eval is Necessary
2012 Apr 1967Questions About E-Books
2014 Jun 0966When is war used?
2011 Nov 2865Genetic Programming for Entire Applications
2011 Nov 2864Editorial: Internal Changes
1995 Oct 3062Dolphins
2011 Nov 2861Review of .hack soundtrack
2011 Nov 2860Notes about .hack
2011 Nov 2859Review of dot-Hack//Infection
1997 Mar 0355Death by Panang
2010 Dec 2453(What happened to) Book of the Forever Damned
2011 Nov 2850Review of Clock Tower 3
2011 Nov 2841The CSS files at
1899 Dec 3136cpio How-To & Quick Start
1899 Dec 3135Copyright Quick-Start for Online Authors
1899 Dec 3134Controversial Ideas about Programming
2021 Sep 2233Who is Gene Michael Stover?
2004 Sep 2129CGI Experiments
2008 Apr 2028Comparison of CGI Performance in Some Programming Languages
2002 Mar 2827Prevent the CBDTPA
2006 Jun 2623Should a build system allow multiple versions of the same component?
2021 Sep 0322A history of predictions about automation & online privacy
2002 Oct 2420Review of Blood Rayne
2011 Nov 2819Baseline Testing
2013 Jul 0218To cancel Netflix or not to cancel Netflix
2003 Feb 1914Guidelines for Authors
2005 Nov 2712Notes about Purely Functional Data Structures
2006 May 299Notes about Economcs
2006 Mar 018Self-Printing Programs
2012 Feb 137How Much Would It Hurt To Balance The USA's Budget?
2011 Jan 176There's no excuse for unemployment
2013 Jan 174Gene's short & hopefully entertaining introduction to CGI for people who already know how to program
2009 Nov 143The purpose of the Quality Assurance Team in software development
2011 Aug 272Why Harvey Golub should pay his taxes
2007 Sep 091Quality assurance isn't a step in the development cycle