What Happened to lisp-p.org?

By Gene Michael Stover

created 11 May 2003
updated 19 October 2003

Copyright © 2003 Gene Michael Stover. All rights reserved. Permission to copy, transmit, store, & save, electronically is granted.


Enough people have said they like lisp-p.org the way it is that I think I'll keep it. So it's not going away, though it'll remain what it is, which is mostly my personal web site which happens to include a lot of things I have written about & in Lisp. It won't be going away.

The original content of this file

I got tired of maintaining two web sites, one nested within another, & www.lisp-p.org was mostly a collection of my own articles having to do with Lisp, so I folded it into my personal web site at www.CyberTiggyr.COM.

I've preserved all the articles that were at >www.lisp-p.org. You'll get a list of them (& any new ones) if you follow the LISP keyword on the front page of my site.

I've kept the www.lisp-p.org domain name, though I might ditch it in a year or two.
